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Old 08-11-2005, 10:09 PM
Jorge10 Jorge10 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 60
Default Re: First Time in Vegas

Just a few more questions, so what games are played in vegas? Just holdem? How big are the omaha games? And if they are as big as you say I guess they must be terrible since only regulars play? I am going in december again, which game do you recommend I work on? NL Holdem? Limit Holdem? Some other one? Just a lot of questions sorry never been there and I turned 21 this year and will be going twice, once with my family and once with all my friends to mess around and some relatives live there so I might go next summer for like a month during my summer vacation from school, just want to make sure I know what to work on to play there, Thanks for all the help and for any additional help.
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