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Old 10-19-2005, 07:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: FieryJustice may leave school, but Stanzee ain\'t no school quitter

Even though I was pretty much always going to do it, going to uni was the best thing I ever did. I'm terrified of finishing my degree cos I kno it's all downhill from there.

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In everyone one of these kind of threads I feel like I have to represent the older folks. College was fun, but/and I enjoy life every bit as much now as I did in college. My impression is that Skip enjoys life more than most of you angst filled kids and he's about as much older than I am as I am older than most of you. And for those of you that think college is the best time of life, well, my 3 and 5 year old kids are probably an order of magnitude happier than any of you and they don't have to get drunk to get there.

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It's always reassuring to hear something like this, even if I am probably going to do the solitary 'Fiery' route and live in Barcelona, write and play poker. I'm a firm believer that as a guy your father has a massive bearing (unconsciously or not) on your life, and seeing as mine is stuck in a 9-5 job he hates with only his art to escape to, I figured I'd end up the same way.
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