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Old 08-23-2005, 03:07 PM
runnerunner runnerunner is offline
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Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 14
Default Re: Is this collusion?

You are in a tough spot. Any explaining you do will sound defensive, and now you have you boss questioning your integrity.

You have two options, IMO:

1. Give the boss a poker lesson, and explain basic TAG concepts so that he gets better and will understand how you are playing. OR:

2. Play in your bosses game again and dump money to him so that he thinks you just had a run of good luck the last time you played.

I would base my choice between these options on how big Boss' ego is. If he has a huge ego, then go to option #2. If he is normal/reasonable, I'd go for option #1. If you don't like either of these two options, then get your resume together.
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