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Old 07-21-2005, 08:23 PM
tigerite tigerite is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 360
Default Re: getting bullied, call here? push preflop?

Hand 1: Fold preflop. Seriously, I know this seems daft with an ace and down to 4, but the big stack has SUCH a huge amount of chips, he's liable to call you, and not even notice it. Also you still have 9BB, no need to be doing this. Oh yeah and short stack is in the BB. Leave it well alone.

Hand 2: Move in, depending on your read on the button. If he's a donk and very loose, don't do it, if he's sensible (and should only be calling with quite a tight range, being as he's on the button), puuush.

Hand 3: Hmmm, despite the fact you have quite deep stacks, the bb is likely to come over the top with any two if you just standard raise, so this I push, I think.
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