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Old 07-16-2005, 04:43 PM
AceofSpades AceofSpades is offline
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Default Re: Down to 3, 200/400 blinds, dumb play or genius?

Just a thought but the fact that you are getting 3:1 doesn't really matter because regardless of which short stack wins this, you are going to be playing HU for 1st and 2nd place. The extra chips don't benefit you at all... Now if there were four players instead of three it might....

The only difference is that you will have more chips and better chance of winning percentage wise (random hand vs random hand) if you push the next hand after one short stack is eliminated.

"Here is my reasoning... There is 3400 in the pot already, 1100 more to me, giving me more than 3:1

Running it through twodimes with AK and TT gives me close to 25%, "
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