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Old 11-02-2005, 01:35 AM
Mroberts3 Mroberts3 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 55
Default Re: Harry Reid is the Man

No, it is not Un-American to ask questions. It's Un-American to stand by and let crap happen. It goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for to get elected to office and then lie, deceive and cheat, just to keep the office. It's immoral to take an oath of office and then betray that oath.

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That’s exactly why this thread is here to congratulate Reid for stopping exactly what you describe. I’m ashamed that the Democrats, the press, and the public have stood silently by for the last 5 years while our country was being destroyed. Now people are standing up pointing out those who are doing wrong.

What really gets me, that seemed to be missed, is this: why are you posting this kind of stuff now? You are questioning something within the rules of the senate, yet, so far as I can tell, haven’t made any mention of the pre war hype that all turned out to be a lie. What is the big problem when a democrat gets down and dirty… within the rules? Where was everyone before the war? I can’t believe anyone is questioning Reid now for acting lawfully yet still ignoring the liars in the white house.

P.S. yeah we could fill pages with how Clinton got some ass, but as far as I can tell 2,000 and counting Americans and god know how many Iraqis didn’t die because of it. I sound like a raving liberal right now, but I think in 50 years when everything is out in the open Bush will look like a war criminal.
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