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Old 12-19-2005, 12:20 AM
Reqtech Reqtech is offline
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Default Re: buying an elliptical

I've done a bit of home equipment purchasing myself lately. If you have the motivation, you'll use it. I use my new (5 months old) recumbent bike for a good 4 hours a week.

I wanted to get an elliptical at first, since that's what I used the most at the gym. I went to a few fitness stores (also the crappy sports good stores like sports authority and Dick's) to go for a few "test runs".

Obviously, the sports good stores elips are trash.

The only ones I liked cost about $2500 in store (and not much cheaper from the ones I found online). I'm 6'5, so that may be a factor due to the world being made for short people.

So the moral of my little story is to make sure you test out any machine that you're going to buy. What may be comfortable for me may not be comfortable for you.
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