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Old 10-30-2005, 10:41 PM
Cooker Cooker is offline
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Posts: 159
Default Re: How did I do on this one?

I probably call the flop, but I can make a good case for raising since you have a very hard to conterfit nut low draw and decent straight draw (and other A3s will come along for the ride most times at this level). I don't know if this is a hand value thing, but the J-high flush draw isn't worth crap. Your spades are blockers against someone else's draw and you are drawing at a nut low with a good straight draw for high. You can also pray that the flush will get you 3/4s sometimes when you make a low on the turn.

I am not thrilled by the raise on the turn, because I think it is less likely that you can win high when the flush card hits, and you would like to keep in other bad low draws in case you get quartered. I don't see any upside to the turn raise since if your hand is good no hand that might outdraw you will fold (maybe 2 pair, but at this level they probably call even with that) and you get more money in the pot if the people after you call (for the rare times your J-high flush actually is good). On the end I could fold, but I might make a crying call. I think the fill up is pretty obvious given the action. I would prefer not to know the outcome when I analyze a hand, since I worry it tainted my advice.

I think you made 2 typical "holdem player" type mistakes. First, you overalued a weak 2-card flush. The nut and second nut flushes are pretty strong hands (even the second nut can't stand too much action) anything less and it should be greatly discounted unless it was a runner runner luck out when you were drawing at low or something (even then non nut flushes aren't that strong). Second, I don't understand the turn raise. I think you want money in the pot here, so you want callers after you. Driving people out isn't terribly likely to increase your winning chances much, but having extra dead money from weaker low draws probably helps some.
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