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Old 12-04-2005, 09:46 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Why Current Online Win Rates Won\'t Persist

Hi all. I am from Argentina. I haven't read all the posts here because I got tired at number 20. Despite that, I can talk from my experience. I play at the 200 NL and 400 NL. There are several factors that would influence in making the decision of making a career at poker. We can discuss it later if you want.
But I think in this discussion the the bottom line is: 2 OF 10 PEOPLE AT THIS BUSINESS is/are a winning player/s (meaning by this capable of a wealthy life wherever he/she lives).

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I'll be in Santa Fe in 2 weeks.. can't wait!

The difference is that probably only 5% could afford a wealthy USA lifestlye via playing poker, while 15 to 25% coud afford a wealthy lifestyle in Argentina playing poker (if the current loosness remained). Hell, beating 2/4 Limit would be a great wage down there. That would be 57 pesos an hour or about about 113k a year. My friend worked her ass off for 6 years to get a masters in economics then went through a rather discriminating job interview process (going to phsycholigist, stating age, Pictures, marital status, blood profile???..etc) just so she could get a job maining 17k. However, she enjoys her work and has wealthy parents so she isn't that interested in poker. Your younger brother (still in college) is and I'm planning to teach him the game over christmas. He is a very bright kid as are his 3 siblings and I'm sure all four could beat limits up to 5/10.
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