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Old 12-23-2005, 02:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: $22 - Hand from the blind vs small stack

I think what you do here partly depends on your read of this particular player. Does he like slow-playing - so is he apt to limp preflop with a decent pair...or just check if he flops a good hand that he intends to call. Many of the 22 players are backwards players - they bet every time they have nothing and check everytime they have a hand. Is he just a calling station who never bets, no matter what he has?

If he always slow plays or is a calling station, i'd be content to check this down. If he's weak and would bet any hand that he intends to call, then bet away. Absent of a read, i'd rather not get involved for that many chips (you can win the pot - which doesn't mean much for your stack, get lucky and have him call and you outdraw him, in which you get a decent addition to your stack, or have him call and you lose, and you are in a much worse situation (since you and him will have the same size stack, much smaller than the other 2). I'd consider checking it down a free chance to win 100 chips, since if someone raised, I wouldn't have seen the flop here.
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