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Old 12-13-2005, 03:28 PM
jt1 jt1 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 119
Default Re: 2 Big Pair Laydowns

hand 1, I think you're good here about 50% of the time.

hand 2: I like your flop play. You went for a check raise and settled for just building the pot when you're ahead at least 1/3 of the time. However, at that point, I'm not sure if you can expect to win 1/3 of the time. This is an interesting theory question.

Turn: You will improve 1/23.5 times and your calling down odds with the expected river action is about 20-2. If you hit then that grows to 22-2. You could be ahead. Your instincts should be to call down. You have to be pretty convinced that you won't win 1/12 times here to fold this turn.
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