Thread: Amazing fish
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Old 12-10-2005, 11:27 AM
mack848 mack848 is offline
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Default Re: Amazing fish

I lost 7 almost identicle hands HU against a calling station the other night. He was so transparent, but hit the cards. Basically, he was a 75/5/0.3. He called every flop and folded the turn without a pair, called down with any pair. 7 times this happened:-

I raise preflop, he cold calls to my left and we are HU.
I miss the flop and have 2 overcards; i bet it, he calls. This means he has 2 cards.
I miss the turn and bet, he calls.
I check fold the river UI.

This really frustrated me, yet I am happy with my play. I had to bet the turn, as if I checked it, I had noticed that he would always bet when checked to HU.

From the flop it was costing me 1.5BB to win ~3BB when he didn't hit anything. Easily +EV.
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