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Old 12-04-2005, 12:14 PM
TTChamp TTChamp is offline
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Default Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today

IMO naps (which is essentially all you will be doing) are the worst thing you can do if you want to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. I know some people swear by naps, but I am much worse off long term if I take a nap.

It sounds like you don't have any rigid time commitments. If that is the case, you might want to try a sleep schedule that I used in grad school. It decreased the % of my time that I was sleeping while maintaining a high level of alertness. Basically I switched from a 16 hour day to a 20-22 hour day. Example:

-wake up at 0800 on Monday
-Go to sleep at 0600 Tuesday
-Wake up at 1400 Tueday
-Go to sleep at 1200 Wed

The obvious down side is that it is difficult to coordinate your schedule with the rest of the world, but I was very satisfied and well rested the whole time I was able to do this. I would do it now if it not for my job.
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