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Old 10-13-2005, 08:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Default B&M costly newbie error - DON\'T DO WHAT I DID!!!

I'm an internet player. Been playing 8 months casually and a fairly ept* player IIDSSMS**. So anyway, I'm in Melbourne for the weekend and decide to take myself to Crown Casino - venue of the Aussie Millions early next year. I manage to figure out how to put myself on the list for a 4/8 hold'em game and finally I sit down and start playing. I was very nervous but after a few hands I was well into it. What a great table! There were 4 or more seeing every flop - a bunch of loose passives. Perfect.

Time for a new paragraph. Not really getting any great hole cards but remaining patient and of the few hands I do play I catch a couple of flops and win a few hands. A new dealer and cards go flying. Literally. She's not really a very good dealer. A card goes face up and people start chucking in their cards. Now I'm figuring that it's a misdeal and I look at my cards anyway and I see pocket aces. Great - a misdeal now! I chuck my cards in face up...


A SINGLE FACE UP CARD DOES NOT CONSTITUE A MISDEAL. The players chucking their cards in were folding!

I was mortified, as you can imagine. There was much ribbing from other players which I took with good humour and repeated banging of my head against the table. The winner of the hand showed a pair of 4's. A lesson learned, and now, a lesson shared.

* ept adj. opposite of inept

** IIDSSMS if this isn't internet abreviation already it should be if I do say so myself
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