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Old 09-17-2005, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: Ace Jack on the button

generally, against overly aggressive players i pick my spots very carefully b/c they prey on loose action when they have a legit hand. While it is very true he could be raising with crap, why put in so much of your stack to find out when if you get called OOP against him your in big trouble. Also, he might smooth call PF with a big hand b/c he knows he will get a lot of loose action on later rounds. Or his call could mean KQ o. the problem is you have no way of knowing and the only way to find out is risking a big portion of your stack and getting in sticky situations like you got into. I agree that folding PF is a much better play or moving in so you dont get in trouble. iF you really feel he is weak dont let him draw out on you or outplay you on later streets b/c u know he's calling your reraise with a wide varitey. If you had AA i think a reraise is proper to induce action but with something as vunerable as AJ o i'd say push or fold PF to avoid much unneeded trouble.
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