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Old 12-27-2005, 04:43 PM
DMBFan23 DMBFan23 is offline
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Default Re: AJ 75/150 hand vs Baronzeus

having never played 75/150 and only knowing baron from his posts here (which tend to involve him aggressively pushing a small edge, he's a pretty decent handreader) I would say call down and not worry about him pulling a free showdown on you too often, at least not with anything he'll call a river bet with. he'll definitely value bet a lot from what I've read of him

the other option is to 3-bet but I like to go into an action with a plan for all their possible reactions, and I don't know whether or not I'd fold if he capped, or raised a heart river, or raised a blank river. thoughts from anyone on that would be appreciated
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