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Old 12-15-2005, 05:54 PM
PokerFink PokerFink is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 103
Default Re: \"Orange-Out\" in Detroit.

Although, the name needs work. They're just ripping off the Flyers ("Orange Crush" - 2004 playoffs) and Penn State ("White Out" - see PSU vs. tOSU).

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What the heck are you even talking about?

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Someone with JoePa as his avatar should know.

In any event, the recent rage where fans wear all one color was (I think) started by the Philadelphia Flyers in the 2004 playoffs. They had an "orange crush" where they gave out orange t-shirts to all the fans that entered the arena. IIRC, it was for Game Six of the Eastern Conference Finals. Nearly every fan there was in bright orange.

The trick spread like wildfire. Other teams started doing it, including Calgary in the Stanley Cup Finals. Penn State started doing it last year, with a "white out" against Purdue. All students were expected to wear white, creating a very large contrast between the student section and the alumni, who wear mostly dark colors. We did it again this year against tOSU, with something like 99% of students wearing white. Other Big Ten schools have copied us, including Illinois who did it against us this year. Did them a lot of good =)

Here are awesome pictures from the "white out" against tOSU. Look hard, I'm in the 3rd row somewhere =).

Edit: [/hijack] Sorry I get excited about PSU football.
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