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Old 11-28-2005, 07:22 AM is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 96
Default Re: Duke/Lederer fantasy poker camp

I've been to Lederer's poker camp. Overall it was a great experience and I would recommend it for the casual poker player with the cash to pay for the experience of sitting at the same table with real pros. That's really what you're paying for after all.

The formal instruction is good, and of course it's very cool to listen to the true professionals discuss their business, but you're not going to learn much that you won't pick up from a few good books, and a few hundred hours of experience. I did take away a few nuggets, but they were more along the lines of noting the behavior of true pro behavior at a live table (very mechanical).

I met an abundance of doctors and lawyers while I was there if that tells you anything about the profile of the camp participants.

I typically don't refer 2+2'ers to my site, but in this case you might find this article I wrote interesting.
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