Thread: Not feared!
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Old 12-08-2005, 12:25 PM
varoadstter varoadstter is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 50
Default Re: Not feared!

Feared? Yeah, there are a few things you can do. Check-raising the loose aggressive players all-in will scare them and may make them think twice about trying to buy pots. Making reraises when someone looks weak will also scare them. Generally, aggression is to be feared, particularly when everyone believes you've got the nuts.

You say that you play tight but you don't give any indication of your aggressiveness. If you are not pushing the other players around by raising and betting, then why would they need to fear you? If you are aggressive then perhaps you do need to gamble a bit more. From the sound of it I suspect the other players have a pretty good read on you. Time to flip the switch.

Edit: Oh and one more thing (after rereading your post) - you're going to have to loosen up when it gets short handed at the end. If you are too tight you will tend to bubble out or just make the money but never finish at the top.
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