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Old 12-28-2005, 11:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The gospel according to Pokerstove.

Blessed is Slick for theirs is the Kingdom of Pots to come:

equity (%) win (%) tie (%)
Hand 1: 63.7075 % 60.30% 03.41% { AKs, AKo }
Hand 2: 36.2925 % 32.88% 03.41% { QQ-88,
ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo }

This is a wide range, AND assuming you are not up against AA or KK.

It would be a call but you HAVE to keep in mind DWarriors point: 'there is a time when its a fold in a Satellite, where its really about survival, not accumulation'.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your range in this example is far too wide and greatly skews the results. If you narrow it down to only underpairs it becomes much more of a coinflip situation where AK ranges from being a slight underdog at 46:54 to an even flip. I don't think your range is very realistic for most players. I certainly wouldn't use that range very often in my calculations. When you do start to include dominated Aces and Kings in your range it does help AK a large amount. Simply including the top 10% of hands, minus AA and KK, it becomes 60:40 in favor of AK and becomes much more of a favorite as you add more hands into the range.

The size of blinds and antes also has an effect, as well as any dead money in the pot. Add in a bit of dead money and large blinds and antes and this becomes very much +EV.
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