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Old 05-09-2002, 03:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Great musing

Displine is what parts the waters. Skill is knowing you should run through, and being able to get to the other end.

Displine is doing what you feel is correct. Whether it's starting cards, a fancy play, laying down, etc. It lets you play the best game you know how.

Making a mistake is not always linked to discipline. There's no way to know what to do in every situation. A newbie only knows a subset of the right things that a pro will know. Neither will know what to do in every situation, allowing for the possibilty that a newbie will beat a pro. Following through with your beliefs is discipline -- even if it's wrong. When you see it is incorrect, you need to change your assumption. That too is discipline.

So, if I had to pick I'd pick discipline. Not being a naturally talented person, I've used discipline to develop my skills so they are better than most naturally talented individuals. Did this with my work, hockey, pool, and now I hope poker.
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