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Old 10-29-2005, 03:59 PM
chekthastak chekthastak is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 91
Default Re: Club Ettiquettes - would u do business in this situation?

1/2 NL game - New player comes in announces he always does business whether he was favorite or not. Sure enough - two to three hours in - He did business like 3 times where I think he was favorite everytime.
So I get into a hand where he goes all in when he flopped top 2 pairs and I called with bottom set. Pot was about $900. I turned down his offer for business and I go ahead and win the hand. He starts mumbling to the table about how young kids these days dont appreciate and return favors. Dont get me wrong - he wasnt being a jerk -- it was just a little comment and he didnt seem like a jerk at all so I know was a just a little upset about losing.
I normally dont do business when Im a favorite - I do sometimes when it's a coin toss or if Im a dog BUT I never bring up business - I dont mind just playing it out but in the cases when Im a dog - I always accept someones offer to do business but I never ask - How can anyone turn down doing business when you are a dog anyways?? heh heh.
But in this situation - would you go out of your own playing standards and do business out of courtesy?? To be honest also -- I would have accepted his offer to do business if I was the dog. I play for a living so winning and losing means more than someone playing for pleasure or for supplemental income.

For those that are not sure what doing business means....
"doing Business" in a club means the two player agrees to run the Turn and River card more than once - usually 2-3 times then u chop up the pot according to how many times u win.

What do you guys think?

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I definitely would not have done business in this situation, he had 4 outs, you are at a huge disadvantage here. Some people expect because they always do something whether it's to their advantage or not that everyone will do exactly the same with them. You did nothing wrong, don't worry about his reaction.
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