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Old 09-18-2003, 08:10 AM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

All your links but one point to Palestinian publications.

RRRRR, wrong. The last one references a number of other countries

[/ QUOTE ]

Not regarding pro-suicide bombing propaganda, which is what I'm referring to here; it refers to other countries regarding funding for Hamas, IJ, and AAM.

"It says it's printed in Kuwait, and distributed to schoolchildren by internet throughout the muslim world. In the Arab world, nothing is allowed by print or internet that isn't under government control. The government controls this propaganda (I'll let you verify *that* if you don't know it)."

It says it's distributed on the internet, which means it's available to anyone with internet access, except as you point out in certain countries where some pages are censored. It does not offer any evidence that Arab countries either permit or encourage its dissemination to children on the internet. All it shows is that someone has published suicide-bombing propaganda directeed at children on the net. It has nothing to do with schools, and nothing to do with "tresspassing infidels."

"Friday mosque sermons broadcast on PA controlled TV have called on worshippers to arm themselves or
their children with explosives to pursue holy war against the Jews."

Er, I call it a call from a mosque, broadcast on TV. I see no mention of schools, or other Arab countries. I've acknowledged that there is some propaganda of the type you describe diseeminated through PA media; maybe your comprehension and/or short-term memory skills could use a little work.

"I never claimed it was true of all states, or that I planned to be comprehensive. You claimed there was not a shred of evidence, and I provided plenty of shreds to get you started. "

You claimed it was true of "most." That's what I asked for evidence for. I said claimed you hadn't offered any evidence; you hadn't, and you still haven't offered any for the "most", "state-run schools", and "tresspassing infidels" claims.

"That was the larger point I was making which started the whole thing, that the Arab states support terrorist groups, some of which have stated their objective to destroy Israel. You said you didn't agree, and the stuff about what they teach in schools was just one way to prove that. If you now agree that Arab states support these terrorist groups, then fine, it sounds like your convinced.

But however you want to nit pick these issues and the wordings of my claims, you're missing the bigger picture here as is typical. There is ample evidence here of cultural acceptance of using children for suicide bombings against Israel, and propaganda being circulated to encourage this. These children are exploited by terrorist groups which receive government funding by states with full knowlege of this practice. How can you sit there and tell me that such conditions can exist without widespread indoctrination of the children and all the people in a philosophy of hatred and violence towards Israel, and the support of the objectives of Hamas whose stated objectives are to destroy Israel?"

I wasn't responding to your "larger" point. I asked for evidence for, and specifically disagreed with, your claim that state-run schools in most Arab countries taught children to hate the West and kill "tresspassing infidels." You still haven't offered any evdence for this, and seem to be dropping it. I did not say I disagreed with the claim that some Arab governements fund terrorist groups.

"I specifically mentioned the suicide bombing propaganda directed towards children, go look again."

In the post I asked for evidence for, and disagreed with, you did not. I'll quote it again:

"The experts who make their living studying such things tell us that these terrorist groups such as Hamas wouldn't be able to operate in the manner they do without the financial sponsorship of the state. You don't think Arafat could shut them down if he wanted to? You're spinning.

As for "most Arab governments", that depends on if you go by what they do, or if you are gullible and go by what the tell the west their policy is. If you want to know what their true attitude is, look at what the government controlled schools teach their kids. That it is their duty to hate the west, to hate Israel, and that it is an honroable purpose to kill all the infidels who trespass on their land. "

You are now trying to claim that there are only nitpicking dfferences betwen the claims that "Several Middle Eastern governments give financial support to Palestinian terrorist groups, and there is some propaganda aimed at indoctrinating children in favour of these groups (including some in offical PA media", and the statement that "Most Arab governments teach children in government-run schools teach children to hate the West and to kill tresspassing infidels." There is a world of difference.
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