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Old 04-15-2005, 03:26 PM
pokerlaw pokerlaw is offline
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Default Re: General thoughts on Bluffs in SNG ?

Lot of good questions going on here, i'll give a quick review of my thoughts:

On the hand in question - I like the way the flop looks and would likely bluff just like you did (any read on villian? general rule is that you should not bluff crappy players, since they call anything). However, pot is too high - i like to bet 3/4ths or so of the pot, large enough to make the guy think about calling, without wasting the extra chips involved in a pot bet if he calls. However, if you always bet the pot when you have something, your smaller bets might be a tell, so be careful of that.

I would also shut down once I get a call - i like the fold, even though the bet is small, he may have hit the frush and is trying to bait you for a RR, and your ace high is probably not good after his call.

As to the general questions that you have, I would highly recommend Harrinton on Holdem. He has a section that covers situations such as this and his rationale and explanations helped me a bunch.
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