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Old 12-16-2005, 12:56 AM
J-Lo J-Lo is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1
Default record sng results-- hood sng tracker

I use hood sng tracker. I use the import from hard drive feature. Here is the problem, SOME TOURNIES AREN'T RECORDED ON MY HDD!!! WTF. I thought party was supposed to record EVERY sng played on your hdd. Last month i had about 125 missing, and this month, i already have 100 sngs missing! I keep track of how many hours i play in my head. I've played 60 hrs this month (10 tabling), and only 519 sng's recorded. I can also tell it's missing some tournies because sng tracker has $2600 less than my actual profit from my party poker account, which should be accounted for in the tourneys which weren't recorded. Any idea on what i'm doing wrong, i set party setting so it deletes them after 365 days and 99 megabytes.
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