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Old 11-21-2005, 08:14 PM
Jgents Jgents is offline
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Default Re: I Just Had A Heart Attack And I Don\'t Have Health Insurance (Long)

Hi. First let me thank you for taking the time to care about this and look forward to reading your opinion.

1) Where you just sitting and smoking when this pain happened (no physical activity)?

Yes. I was watching a movie after smoking heavily of crippy (strong variant of pot available in FL) when "it" happened.
2) Did doing anything (i.e. deeply inhaling or moving your body) change the pain or feeling?

Moving the body (walking around) did negate most of the pain. I say "most" because I still felt some discomfort in my chest and heart area because of the pressure I was feeling in those areas. Every time I stood still or sat back down it got worse
3) What did the pain feel like exactly (pressure, stabbing, crushing) and exactly where did you feel it

I was feeling pressure on my chest/breast plate, abdomen and in particular in the heart area. My legs, shoulders, arms and under pits were tingling with needling sensations. My mind was racing with thoughts of dyeing.

4) On a scale form 1-10 how severe was the pain (1-nothing 10-worst pain in my life)

For reference, I rate a muscle cramp as the worst pain I have ever experienced, therefore 10. Dislocating my shoulder was pretty bad while it lasted before I popped it back into place, so that's a 9. Removal of decaying tooth without being sedated was 8 and so was a toe sprain. The attack in question I would describe as throbbing pressure--not actually pain, agony--that was very uncomfortable, so a 7.

5) Time- how long did the pain last--was it on and off or constant?

It was on/off in relation to my activity--moving around or sitting and laying down in one place. When I moved, the pain subsided a bit, but not completely. When I stood still or slayed down the effects came in full-force.

6) Where exactly did the pain radiate to--

I'm still feeling discomfort and pressure in my left abdomen (feels like something is pulling or squashing my rib), left shoulder under pit, and in the heart area beneath the left breast (I can feel my heart pumping like it's working or struggling to pump? I don't know the difference in this regard. I'm still breathing.)
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