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Old 11-01-2005, 07:26 PM
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Default making $$$ off cramer mad money!!!

have been wondering how to make $$$$ of james cramer's mad money picks..

they move up really fast on the next days open alot, so you probably don't want to play them that way.

but i was wondering if you should track his 50-100 favorite stock. wait for news in the sector and buy them at 2 or 3 pm ahead of his TV show, as there's an excellent chance he'll put it that night.

alternatively and simply, look at cramer's list and just try to buy his favorite stocks on dips as you know he'll be pumping the stock sometime in the next few weeks.

i have a few questions:

do you know where i can get a list of the stocks he mentions?? (and not the ones the callers call about) like being canadian, i know he loves Encana. and i know he loves alot of natural gas stocks (appalachian) but i can't remember the names.

what is the general time frame for his picks? i.e. is it days, months, years???. a friend thought that he's partially range trading or swing trading, implying a few week hold at best... i think the intended hold period would be longer though. if cramer loves natural gas, why not just load up on a few and wait???

how often does he mention his favorite stocks????

are most of the huge movers on the next day's open new focus stocks for jim??

any thoughts would be appreciated!
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