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Old 10-29-2004, 07:26 PM
sketchy1 sketchy1 is offline
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Default Re: First Post

dave, i don't think anyone is questioning the check in the dark. i like the move given the situation. i don't generally check dark, just because it takes my option of betting first at the pot. also, if this flop came favorable but not great for you, say... 3 rags, you would probably want to fire out here. if you feel you had the best hand on a favorable flop, i don't think with 3 rags up josh is going to fire into a pot when you're 1/3 of the way in with just AK.

the real question is why you called the hand to begin with. i am not a seasoned pro nor do i even claim to be as good as you (hell, i have no idea how good you are, because i have yet to play with you, i've only seen a few dozen hands on tv), but i don't like calling 1/3 of my chips with a hand that is at best a cointoss favorite. you know that josh is a very aggressive player, but he could easily be firing back with any pair, or any big ace. so, i would have had no problem getting away from 5's when he reraised. i would either want to pick up the blinds, or get a call and flop a set and hope to double up.

when you called 1/3 of your chips off, let's say you don't flop a 5. the flop is the same, and josh has top pair top kicker, and all you have is 3rd pair to the board. now what do you do? you've committed 500k of your 1.5m, and you're now looking at an ace high flop with pocket 5's. if he bets all-in, you're getting 3-1 to call with your 5's i believe, if my rough math in my mind is right. obviously you could fold them on that flop, but why would you have called off that many chips instead of either just moving them all-in or folding? all-in or fold to me is the only way to play this pot.

maybe i am off base and you can explain it to me better, but that's my thoughts.

Okie doke.

Can you explain your thought process behind the 55 vs. AK hand with Josh Arieh when you checked in the dark?

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I figured this hand would come up. The check in the dark is basically a move that helps you pick up "tells" on your opponent, without comprimising position. Mainly I want to see how he comes out, is he betting, is he checking, does he look weak, strong, etc.. So by me auto-checking, im now putting the ball in my opponents court without him having any clue as to what I could be holding. I figured if I don't flop a set, im not really sure where I stand. So basically, I was going to defer my move, and then counter any move made by Josh. A check in the dark works the best with medium to low pairs and suited connectors. In this situation the check in the dark did work out wonderfully. It's not a play that I highly suggest, its just something that I did because I think I did get caught up in the moment. It was by no means me trying to show off or be cocky.

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