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Old 10-05-2005, 03:53 PM
Jorge10 Jorge10 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 60
Default Re: Doyle\'s a scumbag?

Cant recall the exact page number or anything, but its the part of the book where he talks about his life.

Also forgot to say one more thing, who do you think feeds the players in the big game?

The answer is wealthy businessmen who are out to dump a few hundred thousand and pros who win at smaller levels and are taking shots. Now do you think the average pro is just going to admit that someone is better than him? Most wont, rather than saying damn chip outplayed me I gotta work on my game, they say, he has to be cheating he cant beat me. I see that a lot of that when I play shooting games online such as unreal tournament, some people just cant believe that others are better than them and immediately start saying that they are being cheated. Its the same logic.
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