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Old 06-14-2005, 06:14 AM
iraise50 iraise50 is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Manhattan
Posts: 77
Default Re: Can you guys help me with a math checkup?

I'll leave the actual math to someone more qualified, as there are many such people here. IMHO, you muck your 6s without delay. You have that 1 in 7.5 chance to improve on the flop. What are you hoping that he has here that you call it with? You're a slight favorite or a big underdog, most of the table still to act. Limit and No Limit are as differnt as night and day to me, personally, and think for most people too. Best of luck in your conversion.

PS. One final comment, tournies are about survival, and with the graduated payouts, your last chips are worth more than other chips. (RE: Gambling Theory and Other Topics by Mason Malmuth) To best illustrate this point, I will quote Darse's No-Limit Hold'Em Tournament Primer, which I found under 1-table tournies FAQ.

"Once you are in the money, remember that the main objective is to survive as long as possible. This could mean making some unusual looking plays. For example, suppose you onyl ahve one chip left and are dealt QQ, but a palyer before youcalls the big bling all-in. Since tehre is a decent chance of a player being eliminated this hand, your best option could very well be to fold.!"

Just my thoughts, hope they helped somewhat.
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