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Old 09-13-2005, 11:02 AM
webmonarch webmonarch is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 61
Default Re: Online Railbird Beggars

I wouldnt give someone begging on a poker site money. If they can afford to have the internet why do they need my money?

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly. While we're on the subject, the same thing applies offline. Don't give street people money, EVER.

If you want to help, most major cities have small cards that list resources for street people to find food, clothing, and career help. They are usuaully available from the city's Chamber of Commerce or similar.

I used to pass those out. You would be absolutely amazed at how many of the beggars scoffed at the idea of seeking help. In attempting to do it for about 3 months I had 90% of the people outright decline it, and about one who took anything more than a cursory glance. Very interesting.
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