Thread: My typical day
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Old 11-17-2005, 01:58 AM
ScottTheFish ScottTheFish is offline
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Default Re: My typical day

I'll say it again. 4 or 5 hours a week of interaction with other kids away form home is GREAT. NECESSARY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I never said it wasn't. All daycare is not bad. Read that again. I agree with you there.

But that's not what happens. They're there ALL DAY. EVERY DAY. 40 hours a week. Sometimes more. And it's not so they learn social skills and build their immune system. Those are rationalizations.

They are there so their parents can work more and afford
better cars and a nicer house.

Yes there are single parents, etc. that have no choice. Families with 2 young healthy educated parents can live on 1 income if they choose to. That's who I'm talking about.
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