Thread: PF Stuff
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Old 12-27-2005, 05:03 PM
Azhrarn Azhrarn is offline
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Default Re: PF Stuff

In both cases, we have a good TAG in lp isolating a superfish. Let's establish a range for him. I'm thinking most (all?) pocket pairs, the stronger offsuit aces, most (all?) suited aces, pretty much any two broadway cards, and the better suited kings (K7s+ maybe?).

So there's a range. Maybe his is a little smaller or a little bigger, but that's the impression I get from your post. Onto the specific questions:

1.) I like 3-betting here. I think we're doing good enough against his range to make up for our bad position.

2.) I don't think this is worth playing on its own merits. However, I wouldn't mind playing this against the fish, so if the time is right for a steal reraise, I would 3-bet this. If he's respecting us enough that he will check-fold the flops he misses, this could be worthwhile.
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