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Old 12-05-2005, 04:57 AM
diebitter diebitter is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 417
Default Re: These are a few of your favourite things...

Lawrence of Arabia - just damn awesome looking and a truly phenomenal script.

Favourite TV show: Married with Children (yup, still the best - sometimes the old ones are the best ones)

Favourite book: It - Stephen King - this is gonna sound wacky, but I don't think there's a better exploration on the nature of childhood and childhood friendship than this

CD: The The - Infected

Music Track: The theme from Red Dwarf as sung by a good Elvis Impersonator

Favourite way to waste time: OOT (like you'd never guess)

Favourite time of day: When the kids wake up.

Punchline to favourite joke: You're always giving it that (doing a talking/nipping motion with fingers)

Favourite moment in your whole life: Dumb, this one.
But a point when everything seemed to go absolutely wrong on one specific day, and I realised I was still deep-down happy.

Favourite _______ (fill in what you like): Meat: Steak
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