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Old 12-22-2005, 04:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Cold streak odds, is this possible???

Well, I don't play all that many NL cash games anymore, but how many hands are we talking about here. There aren't that many hands that are more than 85% to win on the flop, so even over 25k hands you can't have gotten that many of them into big pots. Then in that case it's not that unlikely that you might have a really bad run where you are losing a lot more of them than you should. If you really haven't changed anything, keep playing the same way if it was working before. I'd really stop and examine your play though. You can't do anything about suckouts, but people often make bad runs worse than they need to be during these runs (frequently by either overbetting pots to prevent suckouts and not giving people the chance to make a smaller mistake against you, or by not betting enough because "I'm going to get sucked out on anyway").
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