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Old 12-23-2005, 06:42 PM
Ghazban Ghazban is offline
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Location: Boston, MA
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Default Re: Party Poker notes file

what a bummer. I looked at my notes file.

Each note is on it's own line with the SN~text> format you describe. TABs seem to take the place of the C/R in the note window:

donkey~this guy is a donkey>
shark~his name don't lie!>
maniac~lead w/any two>

I would get a text editor that can do global replace to find the regex *word*~ and replacing it with C/R*word*~ (mind the spaces). Hopefully that'll fix it.

In the future, you could .zip the notes file, that should prevent gmail from screwing with the format.


[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the advice--after my original post, I tried the global replace to put in carriage returns but that didn't fix the problem. I wondered if there was some hidden character or something in there somewhere but haven't found anything (I tried opening it in Word and toggling the option to view all the carriage returns, tabs, and stuff of that nature but found nothing).
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