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Old 12-16-2005, 11:20 AM
RJT RJT is offline
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Default Re: Good Question For Catholics and Others

An important item in this scenario is “the present Pope”. By this, I assume you mean it literally – Benedict XVI and not the present Pope at any point in time.

When I first heard that Joseph Ratzinger was the new Pope I was a bit concerned. I hadn’t really known much about him at the time. I knew he was the “gendarme”, i.e. the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, the enforcer of church doctrine. My impression from the little I knew was that he was too stringent. Then I read/heard more about him. He is highly regarded as an intellectual as is actually very humble. Upon further reading I found that he is indeed the real deal. (Contrary to what Peter666 thinks.)

I would have to answer that I would be pretty sure. I would be almost positive that he didn’t do a trick; that it wasn’t a fraud. (So if that is the exact question then I go with A.) There could be another explanation, so I have to go with B. I also qualify it because I trust the Pope but (my) faith is in God, not man.
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