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Old 12-19-2005, 07:07 PM
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Default Re: How do you get over screwing up?

Worse comes to worst, I tell myself "it could be worse."

Blow my stack with a bad call? It could be worse. I could have never accumulated that stack to begin with and had the opportunity to play. Remember, the next best thing to playing and winning is playing and losing.

Got a traffic ticket? It could be worse. I could have gotten in a wreck.

Got expelled from school (or in my case, fired?) It could be worse. I could be unable to go to school or work to support myself.

Got caught cheating? (I've never cheated, and I hope I never do.) It could be worse. I could be so ugly/stupid/whatever that no woman would ever want to be with me. She slapped me and burned all my stuff? Could be worse, I could have gotten the Bobbitt.

I think Trump said it best: "I don't have time to worry about what happened or what I could have done differently. That just wastes time that should be spent on planning what I'll do from that point forward."

FWIW - hope this helps.

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