Thread: Forum Pulse
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Old 11-14-2005, 01:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Forum Pulse

Because you said…

what really sucks is im too stupid to add anything of value to my own really like to know the breakdown of the other tho…

is that all liberts? greens? people who just didnt wanna pick blue or red?

[/ QUOTE ]

…I’ll try to keep this really, really simple.

The word “other” can be a noun or an adjective. In your poll it seems to be a noun. In which case it becomes the third choice.

If I’m correct, then “other” is to be used as an indication of the poll respondent’s desire not to be identified with the first two choices. “Other” is his/her only option.

No request for a definition or meaning of the respondent’s choice of “other” is made in your opening post. The third line of your second post seems to be a request for that definition. Again, an assumption/inference on my part. A little late, I might add.

In reply to your request I said…

Other, I think, means "Other."

[/ QUOTE ]

I included the emoticon used to indicate confusion. The confusion, on my part, was, “WTF? You gave us a friggin’ option, we used it. Jeeze, fella.”

True, I could have used the popular, “This poll sux,” or “You’re an idiot and this poll sucks,” or some other such flame, but I didn’t. Perhaps I should have. Then I wouldn’t be sitting here, as I am, bothering to reply. Oh, well, it’s a slow day and I can’t get to the casino until Thursday. But I digress.

All of this, finally, brings me to this post (yours)…

thx DB

other is not a poliitcal party ive ever heard of

[/ QUOTE ]

Nor have I.

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