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Old 12-16-2005, 01:28 AM
natedogg natedogg is offline
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Default Re: Why the war on drugs will never be won


As a rather libertarian minded thinker at heart

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Ummm... I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I and probably most Americans are comfortable sacrificing the $$$ spent, the lowlifes who resort to dealing, and the freedom to keep the supply as limited as humanly possible.

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As I've mentioned before, if you're not yet furious about the drug war you are just ignorant. You're willing to sacrifice money and freedom to limit the supply?

The SUPPLY IS NOT LIMITED! Supply has gone up during the drug war. Anyone who want to get high on any kind of drug you can think of can get it more easily than alcohol. Your obscene war on drugs has not only eroded our rights and freedoms, and destroyed countless lives unnecessarily, but it has also UTTERLY FAILED to achieve its goals. Supply is up, drug profits are high, users abound, and the war churns on.

You people who ignorantly support this insanity are to blame. It's a disgrace and future generations will view our drug war as one of the blackest marks in our history.

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