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Old 12-13-2005, 02:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Offer to share the wealth rebuked

I'm not sure about you, but I play poker to win money and compete. Merely entertaining the idea of a deal as a big stack is being kind, to say the least. You are in a much better position to actually win one of the top prizes and if you think your skill is superior to others at the table your chances look that much better. You're literally giving away part of a prize that you have great odds to win for yourself. That's not being greedy. That's playing winning poker and there's nothing wrong with that.

It sounds to me like this kid wasn't very sure of his position at the table and was looking to secure the best deal for himself, and only himself. He hadn't considered other factors, and probably didn't know to. I'm surprised the other bigger stacks at the table didn't object along with you. He was, in fact, the one being greedy here and probably didn't even realize it.

Don't feel bad for him for a single second.
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