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Old 11-14-2005, 07:32 PM
Greg J Greg J is offline
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Location: Baton rouge LA
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Default Speaking of that which is offensive

On a personal and political level, I'm a pro civil liberties kinda guy. However, some things posted on a message board are clearly out of bounds, and private groups (like 2p2) can and should have more leeway in controlling content. At least IMO.

So anyhow, where do we draw the lines with avatars? Jiggling boobs is one thing, but that about this?
(There are taken from right clicking properties and pasting the image url of real current 2p2 avatars.)

and this?

[Take just a moment here. Go ahead and get all the giggles out people. You done? Cool, time to be serious again.]

How offensive is this to female posters? I know that while female poker players and gamblers are the exception, but that does not mean we should not consider how this kind of stuff makes them feel.

I should be clear. There is a difference between sophomoric but less objectionalable avatars like those above and this:

This is not so bad. I can see a woman just rolling her eyes in that "boys will be boys" kind of way to this, but not really being offended. I know it's subjective, but where do we draw the line? I'm not trying to advocate sexism, but I don't want to be a content nazi either.

I just I'm just rhetorically asking "where do we draw the line?" with things that are racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. A swastika? Yes, that is unaaceptable clearly. A confederate flag? I would say yes, but I'm from Mississippi, so I'm accutely aware of the BS behind the "heritage not hate" lies (yes it is a hate symbol). Then again, I don't want to be the pc police here.

I see this being a bigger deal with misogynistism than racism or homophobia though. I see more and more avatars approaching a line that we should probably not allowed to be crossed. I think it's time to address this issue.
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