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Old 05-17-2005, 07:30 PM
theben theben is offline
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Default Re: Is my hand good?

in this spot, i put him on a flopped flush and call this down. i actually think this is a super easy call. first--hes semi tilting, so you must adjust for that. secondly, it plays a lot more like a slow played flush with poor river play rather than a filled up set. if he flopped a big flush and called you on the flop/4th, hes definetly gonna raise you on the river and based on your riverbet, he has really only one move. what exactly were you expecting him to do against your overbet and what was your line on that? hoping to represent a missed flush draw and get called by top pair? also take note that once you make your overbet, you have to call the river every time. theres too much in on the river and your hand is too strong, even tho its a very weak full
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