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Old 12-13-2005, 04:53 AM
Brainwalter Brainwalter is offline
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Default Re: No More Leap Year

I understood that there was a proposal to redo our calendars that has the approval of quite a few countries.

Each quarter of the year would have 91 days:
January 31
February 30
March 30

April 31
May 30
June 30

July 31
August 30
September 30

October 31
November 30
December 30

Each year, after December 30, there would be an extra day, with no date and no "day" (i.e., it would not be a Monday or any other day). It would be "World Peace Day" or something like that. Every fourth year, there would be two such days.

Each quarter would have the same number of days. And since each year would have 364 dated days, every same date every year would fall on the same day of the week, since 364 is a multiple of 7. Thus, for example, if we made January 1 a Sunday, it would be a Sunday every year. And each quarter would start on a Sunday too, since 91 is also a multiple of 7.

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This is awesome. Why don't we do this? Why would anyone oppose this? Banks maybe because there would be on less day of business????

Kramer would hear this and just start doing it.

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I oppose this. I think it's good that birthdays, christmas etc. fall on different days of the week every year. It's confusing but at least you don't end up with some people having weekend birthdays while others are stuck on Tuesday.

Also, the people born on March, May, August, and December 31 would never get another birthday if this idea was adopted.
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