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Old 12-26-2005, 06:47 PM
john kane john kane is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 9
Default Re: 2-4NL, will i ever establish myself at this limit??

i cant see how people can not think of the money, unless you really have a lot.

after all, thats the number 1 reason why we are playing the game. yes it enjoyable, yes i think about it far more than what non-poker players would consider healthy, but would i still play it if i didnt make money, or had to pay to play? no i wouldnt. i still do (with mates for tiny stakes, but thats for the banter with friends, not as a serious card game). so i find it hard to not think about the money aspect. but that wont affect my game, i wont think 'should i call this all in becuase that is the same amount as a buying a lot of my mates a really nice dinner for us all', but after a few down sessions i will think, like i can now 'i had $1300ish more to my name than i did a few days ago', but hey, i then think 'but if i quit after my first few big downswings i would of made about $16/17K, so ive just got to accept it.

its just i find it irrating reading about players making a lot more, and i feel i do have the ability to play much higher, just i cant, due to my bankroll restrictions.

and yes, in an ideal world id like to play with 30 buy ins, but im happy with 20 buyins, and if i get more than that, use the excess as 'take a shot money' at the next level and hope to establish myself there.
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