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Old 12-14-2005, 10:11 AM
daveymck daveymck is offline
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Default Re: Have aliens visited earth?

The thing about humanity is we seem to think that we are the biggest and best most intelligent being to hit the universe, we can barely get off the planet and back without dying and yet with utmost certainity people say there is/isnt life out there or that it wouldnt be clever enough to hide itself from us if it was here.

Its not that long ago that most of the scientists of the day thought the earth was flat and we would fall off the end of it, I realise science and understanding has moved on but who knows in the many millions of years before the first caveman came along what life and civilisation has developed on other planets round the universe and how far advanced than us they could be.

I think a lot of ancient civilizations have stories and pictures of vistors in strange headgear, could that be alien visitors, is it people form the future travelling through time, are other dimensions possible, who knows.

I guess in our lifetime the chances are we will not know, I think its interesting that most cultures worshipped gods from primitive times through to now, even our more modern beleifs of God point to either another dimension (ie where heaven or hell is) or higher beings with great powers out there.

Imagine if earth was just some reality tv show for some higher species in the way we keep ant farms or watch big brother. Those that belive god watches over us in effect are saying it is.

I think most people can see that there have been ufo's spotted in recent times, the ones over Belgiuim where jets were scrambled for example, whether any of these are visitors is another matter entirely.

If life was found elsewhere then that to a point could well make all our religions redundant, if intelligent life was found even more so, would the government or say a large organization with scientists working for it like the Vatican ever tell us if they did find it anyway? or would they protect their own beliefs and church. What effect would it have on the economy or world order if it was true and known.

I did read or see somthing one time that suggested films like Close Encounters were preparing us for revelations of other life visiting us (supposedly Speilberg got a lot of army input for that film,), seems like they backed out of telling us if that was true.

I am throwing a few things into the discussion I am not saying I beleive anything that I wrote.
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