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Old 01-07-2004, 05:13 PM
ArchAngel71857 ArchAngel71857 is offline
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Default Re: Is it legal to make DVD copies of VHS for yourself?

I'm not positive so don't use me as the bet decider, but I do not think it is illegal.

Under Federal copyright law, software programs and works of authorship in film are treated in different categories. As far as movies go, It si perfectly fine to copy it for yourself as many times as you want if you have already paid to buy the copy. What you CANNOT do is distribute your NEW copies. But you very well may buy a VHS tape and then sell the tape. You just can't sell or give away your burned DVDs.

Softward is treated differently for some reason i can't remember, which sucks because it ook my Intellectual Property exam about three weeks ago. I do know it is in a differnet category, so there are some differences. i think one of the reasons may be that software programs contain some parts that can't be copyrighted because they are staples in how a program operates (i.e. you can't make a program without doing it a certain way) while other parts are independent works of authorship (origin code and stuff like that). But as to specfically why you can't copy your own software program for your own use, I can tell you friday.


P.S. I hope you have fun in AC regardless.
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