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Old 09-07-2004, 02:37 PM
Ionphore Ionphore is offline
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Default Re: Getting beat by sets

I wouldn't make a pot sized bet on that flop because there aren't really any draws. They are just as likely to call with a set to a 10 dollar bet as a 15 dollar bet and you commit less overall and also have the same fold equity I think. Once the person calls on the flop you are up against a Jack or alot better most of the time. I would bet 2/3 of the pot again on the turn - if I get called again I am checking the river and calling a small river bet, That gives me odds on the number of times I think I am ahead of this player with an overpair here. So If I think I am ahead of them 25% of the time here and he bets pot sized then I fold. Situations like this are pretty read dependant. But the flop scenario you gave only has one possibility he was drawing. Which would be QT. Its possible he didn't make that draw and is bluffing the river, But unlikely. Another thing you can do here is bet an amount on the river you would call from them. That way if you are raised you are done, and if you get called you only loose what you would have called from them anyways. And you have some folding equity with that as well. In the example you gave the board also paired. Which is always nice for an overpair. If he played something like J9suited, now you have that beat with the 5 pairing. So I am slightly more likely to call a river bet now with the 5 pairing. Unfortunately you just don't have position here. Imagine your opponet has TT and you are in his shoes. You raise preflop and he puts you on overcards. You bet flop he calls. And the turn hes made up his mind to call down. You slow on the river and he figures his tens are good or maybe he can move you off a jack. Now he bets and you fold. Just a thought...
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