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Old 04-10-2005, 03:39 AM
DCWGaming DCWGaming is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 142
Default Re: Multi tabling sharks may not kill this thing after all. (Long)

I'm not saying this just to gloat, I honestly don't think most people have the capacity to play more than 5-6 tables at a time without seriously hurting their game. Someone on these forums wrote that before, and i'd credit him if my memory were good for anything other than cards... Was it sidekick? it might have been him.

There are exceptions, of course. I've seen 16 tablers, talked to quite a few 12 tablers, and heard of a couple regular 20 tablers. It seems like there are alot of us because we'll gloat and post screenshots of our extra wide/huge screens on the forums, but I think it's safe to say that much less than 5% of 2+2ers regularly run more than 4 tables at a time. As far as partypoker is concerned, my guess would be less than 1% run more than 4 tables simultaneously.

As far as the masses being educated and the tables being diluted with multitabling trout... It's possible, but like always, the cream will float to the top. The best players will adapt, maybe lower their # of tables, and play better than the multitablers. If the tables become seriously loaded with TAGs, my guess is that an anti-TAG strategy will emerge that gives you an edge against a room full of 15/9s.

Just my thoughts on the subject. I like your idea though, its an angle i've never really thought of before.
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