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Old 12-28-2005, 11:22 AM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: Short-term-results-oriented thinking

Frighten is a bad word. I only used it because it was used before. The word is more aptly disturbed. I find it disturbing due to the fact that this ficticious story was picked up by an ever so eager political machine whose only obejective, it seems, is to discredit and disrupt the Executive Administration that is in place. The fact that this story originated with a professor taking the word of his student at face value is even more illustrative in my mind.

So what you have here is a professor who is eager to find evidence his student's rights are being violated calling up some journalist who is eager to publish a story about someones rights being violated which is picked up by the leftist internet propaganda squad who is oh so eager to pass it along so that it may be posted in politics forums like this one all over the place.

What's more, people bought it. What's more than that is that there are posts in this thread that say something to the effect that even though the kid changed his story and recanted tearfully saying he was sorry it still must be true and he must have changed his story because he got another visit.

Is this the future of American politics? One side in power is constantly derided by made up propaganda from the other sides media machine? It's true of both parties. It can only serve to paralyze the government and make it more ineffective and wasteful than it already is.

Non producers want to be owners. Non producers ends are served best when the government is ineffective and cannot protect the owners or producers.

Lenin was a law clerk. Stalin was a priest. Hitler was an artist. Goebbels was a journalist. So was Mussolini. Do the math.....That is, since we are talking fiction here.
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